DEVO tional 2001
Scott Orsi, Organizer of DEVOtional2001 and founder of Spud Talk.
* DEVOtional 2001 - We DID repeat! *
Thanks to everyone who made this such a fantastic event. It was indeed a
resounding success! Special thanks to Rev. Toth Wilder and Michael Pilmer for
assisting me in organizing this years DEVOtional. Thanks also to Jade Dellinger
for supplying artifacts for the DEVOseum, and to Mike Watters for supplying
the rare videos. I must also thank Joe Machos for producing the wonderful NNBBM
Vol. 2 CD. This CD should be released by a record label, that's how good it is!
Thanks to all the Spud Talkers who contributed to these performances.
General Boy and "Jungle" Jim Mothersbaugh were great! I can't thank
them enough for donating their time to share DE-eVOlutionary info with us. It
was truly an honor to have them there. Thanks to the one and only Rev. Ivan
Stang. He was entertaining and profound as usual. Thanks also to Roger Casale
for attending. It was a pleasure to finally meet you.
Malcolm Tent pulled of a short but sweet acoustic set, CD Truth rocked, and
MARVELKiND blew us ALL away! Seth, you guys are record deal bound, believe me.
Thanks so much for performing. Thanks also to my Spudboys brethren, Mark, Will,
and Rick. We fought through some adversity in truly inspired DE-eVOlutionary
spirit. The DEVO-A-Oke songs were performed with stunning precision! Thanks to
Nick, Seth, Scott, Toth, Michael, & Tom (who also delivered a DEVOlved
mutation of Booji Boy as "Chimp-Boy".)
Most of all, I must say that I was touched by the sense of
community, cooperation, and kinship that was prevalent throughout the entire
weekend. It is very rewarding to meet with fellow Spuds who are so genuine, and
giving of themselves. More than anything, that made all the time and effort I
invested in DEVOtional 2001 a very worthwhile and memorable experience.
Duty Now For The next DEVOtional,
- Scott